Do Multiples Need To Be In Separate Classes?

Parents of multiples have it relatively harder when it comes to back to school. Not just with shopping for multiples, but particularly waiting for the teacher assignments to find out if their littles are in the same class. For most of us, splitting them up sounds like a tough decision. So, here's some information that could help.

In This Article:
- What Is Twin Law?
- Pros Of Twins Being In The Same Class
- Helpful Safety Tips For Back To School Shopping
It's back to school time already and you're wondering if you should keep your twins in the same class or if it's even possible to reassign them in the same class after they've received different teacher assignments.
I was in the same boat when my twins were entering into first grade and were handed split teacher assignments. I wanted to know what we could do aside requesting their assignments be changed, so I did some digging.
Though we were lucky enough to have had a compassionate school administrator that happily obliged to put them in the same class, I'm glad I still looked into options and found out that there is a such thing as Twin Law.
What Is Twin Law?
The Twins Law refers to a law that would allow parents of twins or multiples to decide whether or not to place their children in the same classroom. Though this law varies by state, having knowledge that it exists could help you have more power in having a decision in your children's education.
Currently, there are many rules and guidelines in most public schools that require the separation of siblings/twins/multiples as long as they are assigned to the same teacher, in the same grade, at the same school. Over the years, parents have requested to overrule these (self-proclaimed) outdated guidelines for various reasons including:
- Not being ready to separate their kids
- The kids not performing their best when separated
- Having difficulty showing up in multiple classrooms at one time for grade specific activities and programs
- Kids experiencing separation anxiety
Many psychologists and parents agree that the decision to place siblings/twins/multiples in the same classroom should be on a case-by-case basis depending on the needs of the children.
For some children, they do okay when separated but for others, there's a struggle when they aren't truly ready.
States That Have Enacted The Twin Law or Similar Bills
There are 14 states that have enacted the Twin Law, while just under a dozen others have legislation pending or sponsored bills awaiting review. The 14 states include:
- Arkansas
- Florida
- Georgia
- Illinois
- Louisiana
- Maryland
- Massachusetts
- Mississippi
- Minnesota
- New Hampshire
- New Jersey
- North Carolina
- Oklahoma
- Pennsylvania
- Tennessee
- Texas
- Virginia
Whether you agree or not, you can voice your opinion by signing the ongoing petition to have twin laws enacted in every state in the USA on You can also talk to your local leaders and legislators to request this change be made.
Pros Of Twins Being In The Same Class
If you are trying to decide if your twins should be in the same class, consider these things:
- Consistency - your twins have been together since birth and education should be no different. If they do well together and haven't been separated before an 8-hour school day, it may be beneficial to request them to be together until you can ensure that they'll be comfortable apart.
- Reduces Separation Anxiety - Some twins/multiples haven't been separated before for long periods of time and when they were, had a hard time adjusting. Considering the school day is the bulk of the waking hours for school aged kids, perhaps keeping together may do more GOOD than harm.
- Limits Distractions - It's easy for twins/multiples to look up and check on their sibling whereas they would spend more time worrying if they were in separate classes.
- Allows For Increased Parent Involvement - Most schools host grade-specific activities that are held in the classroom. If your twins are separated, this will put a strain on the ability to be present for both.
- Reduces Stress - Some twins have a hard time focusing when their wombmate isn't around. This added stress would challenge their ability to perform at their highest level, and thus making it harder for them to get necessary techniques and lessons in class.
- Provides Comfort - Unless you have a twin or have had twins, it's difficult to truly understand their dynamic. Most people have comfort items such as toys or blankets, well multiples have each other. Having twins in class together will allow them to be comfortable in new environments and would make transitioning from home or daycare to school easier.
While there may be instances where twins/multiples do better separated, it's most certainly more helpful to have the option than to be forced otherwise.
If parents or school officials have any troubles with twins/multiples being in class together after the first grade mark period, there are actions that can be done to correct this behavior, which would likely be separating them into different classes.

What Has My Experience Been?
I have only experienced my twins being together in class. In fact, my girls are turning 8-years-old this year and have never been separated for longer than a few hours.
We have had some sick days from school where one stayed home, and the other attended school and during this time, we found that the child who stayed home would constantly ask about their twin.
We have considered them to be emotionally attached to each other and thought it may be harder to separate them the older they get, but honestly, just like with their first steps, when they're ready, it'll happen (they'll request it).
At the end of last year we found our twins to have more squabbles than few and we attributed it to never being apart, but in the classroom setting, we found it to be helpful that they were both learning from the same instructor. When one lacked lessons and techniques, the other was able to step in and assist where we as parents would have otherwise been lost. We hired tutors as well.
All in all, having the CHOICE helped put us as parents at ease, and did just as much for the kids as well. That said, I feel strongly that parents of multiples should have this option.
So if you'd like to vote for change, you can do so here.
Helpful Safety Tips For Back To School Shopping
Back to school shopping can get a little chaotic in the stores with large crowds and unorganized bins. The one thing you should absolutely want to keep a handle on are the kids, WORRY FREE. I recommend this top safety precaution to ensure a safe and successful back-to-school shopping experience:

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