How Long Should My Workouts Be?

The first step to a successful fitness and wellness journey is making the decision to be consistent.
Creating a schedule that you can stick to is the most important hurdle.
When starting out, try exercising for 30 minutes or less and selecting two rest days. This will allow you to form a new training habit, andnot overwork your body in the process.
If you're a busy momma and can't always make it to the gym, I got you covered. My on-demand workout program has tons of guided workouts that can be completed right from the comfort of your home. I was sure to include options for both using handheld weights and workouts without.
Whether you're a begginner or advanced, the guided workouts are designed to be easy-to-follow along for women of all athletic stages.
Give it a whirl starting today, and 30 days from now, let us know how it has impacted your wellness journey.
I know you're going to do well!
Muscle Up Mommy,
Mykel B. Davis
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